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Curriculum Design and Assessment for the e-Classroom


The Flipped Classroom Approach!!!


I created this animated video to explain the Flipped Classroom Approach.  If you are not onboard with thinking the students of the 21st century are needing new, innovative learning strategies....mCuaybe this will change your mind :)



Here is an Online Course that I created using the ADDIE Model

Course Outline Assignment


Course Analysis

Course Name: HEALTH 401 - Nutritional Guidance with a Healthy Eating Plan and Physical Activity

Course Length: 8 weeks

Course Type: Internet/On-line

Average Student:

Undergraduates and other Adults (may or may not have college degrees).  Somewhat familiar with technology (Experience with computer via school and/or the workforce). Introduction level of basic online research.

Content Analysis:

  • Students should be accustomed to the online classroom in order to participate in the required course material (Learned in Pre-Requisite HEALTH 301 - Sugar Is Not as Sweet as You Think)

  • Students should be able to construct a variety of multimedia products such as: a basic video, uploading to YouTube, Pod Casts, and Producing a PowerPoint Presentation, Prezi (Learned in Pre-Requisite HEALTH 301 - Sugar Is Not as Sweet as You Think)

  • Students will be able to navigate through basic computer software, such as Google, Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Firefox, Microsoft Office Suite, etc. (Assumed Knowledge)

General Goals:

  • Learn about the most common food consumption habits that are causing obesity

  • Learn how to shop smart in a supermarket and avoid the marketing snares 

  • Identify ways to implement foods that fuel the body

  • Develop a healthy menu for a classmate to cater to their families’ needs

  • Plan and prep a healthy meal

  • Learn how to get moving and speed up the metabolism

  • Discover ways to implement physical activity in order to increase health

  • Truthfully document one's own dietary consumption in a nutrient analysis program to assess nutritional status and make recommendations for progression based new found knowledge from the course

Enhancing Learning:

This course is an in-depth study of how to eat well balanced meals in order to generate balance in other aspects of life.  Just because many foods are sold in the supermarkets, does not warrant that they will enhance the health of the buyer.  Many of the foods that are consumed today wreak havoc on the body, and this is a snowball effect that creates a massive UN-balance in the lives.  Eating a healthy diet along with a moderate exercise program can decrease the chances of many fatal diseases.  This course will give the students the necessary tools to be able to achieve their health and wellness goals.

General Course Assessments

Multiple Choice Test and Self-Tests: This assessment will measure general conceptual information found on the lower levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.  This includes being able to state definitions, key concepts, and other foundational information.  The MC test will be given in Module 1.  This is essentially a way for the instructor to evaluate the specifics of what the students know or are unsure of in regards to health and nutrition.  Consecutive modules will contain Self-Tests that will assess the comprehension of text to be read and studied.

Nutrition Blog:  This activity is envisioned to allow students to reflect on the content discussed in the module.  It is also intended to help the instructor make sure students are not falling behind on their work as well as giving the instructor essential feedback so that they can interject if needed.  For module 2, students will post original entries and respond to 2 peers, and receive bonus points for replying to more than 2.  They will discuss tactics they learned in the module about shopping smartly and money saving suggestions.  In module 3, students will post blog entries of their favorite dinner dishes.  For bonus points, students will reply to their peers and make suggestions of healthier alternatives to the favorite meals; making the plates more balanced.

Discussion Boards:  These Boards will allow students to interact and respond to one another.  This will assist the instructor assessing the students to ensure mastery of content.  The discussion boards will be implemented in Modules 5 and 6 in regards of how to obtain an accountability partner and ways to safely exercise when starting an exercise regimen.  Students will share their ideas and make suggestions to their peers.   

Reflective Self-Assessment:  Formal process intended to allow the assessment aspect to be a form of learning rather than strictly an evaluation.  During Module 3, students will research ways to replace their favorite foods with healthier alternatives, via an on-line website.  They will self-reflect on their progress from the prior week. 

Power Point and Prezi:  This combined activity will allow students to show their comprehension of the course content through visual simulation.  The Power Point or Prezi will showcase ingredients, food prep, and food presentation graphics.  The will receive bonus points for going above and beyond.  For ex:  by recording their voice and discussing how to make a healthy meal from start to finish.

Basic Video Production:  Students will be able to choose their own online video software and publish to You Tube during Module 6, portraying their comprehension of ways to avoid injury during physical activity.  They can implement ideas and suggestions that were communicated from their discussion board posts.  Peers will be able to watch videos and comment and instructor can evaluate mastery of content. 

WIKI – This collaborative environment will build a sense of community within the class.  The content will be focused solely on water consumption and the benefits of water to the human body.  Prior to the WIKI, the students need to complete the reading assignment in Module 7 and watch the Instructor Lecture. 

Feedback Surveys – There will be 2 feedback surveys incorporated into the agenda.  This will provide instructor with ideas of how to enhance or strengthen the concepts in the course.



Course Outline - Objectives

Module 1: Course Introduction (Week 1)


  • Discuss the current prevalence of obesity

  • Differentiate between healthy weight, overweight, and obesity

  • Detect risk factors and illnesses linked to obesity

  • Clarify the benefits of eating a healthy diet

  • Calculate the amount of calories needed each day

Module 2: Shop Smart, Save Money and Your Health (Week 2)


  • Justify why it is important to plan a menu before going to the market

  • Describe the types of marketing tactics to avoid

  • Express how to interpret the Nutrition Facts Label

  • Illustrate an awareness of wise food shopping based on value for the money

  • Illustrate an awareness of wise shopping based on information on labels

Module 3: Food for Fuel (Week 3)                              


  • Identify foods that should be eaten regularly

  • Identify the foods that should be eaten in moderation

  • Describe the importance of combining the right foods to fuel the body

  • Create a balanced plate for a meal

Module 4: Cooking With a Purpose (Week 4)


  • Develop creativity when cooking and presentation of food

  • Determine the healthier versions of the current staples that most use

  • Identify ways to incorporate healthier ingredients to create the desired sensory characteristics/product characteristics: color, texture and flavor

  • Deliberate ideas with peers for recipe modifications and cooking techniques to reduce calories, solid fats (saturated and trans fat), sodium, or added sugars

Module 5:  Recruiting a Support System (Week 5)


  • Institute a plan in order to find an accountability partner

  • Justify the importance of having support in any wellness program

  • Organize an accountability or check point system

Module 6: Get up and Get Moving (Week 7)


  • Identify small changes that can be made to increase daily activity

  • Describe the benefits of exercise and physical exertion

  • Identify the benefits of exercise to their physical, mental, and social health

  • Create realistic fitness goals and apply to weekly schedule

  • Evaluate techniques to avoid risk and injury during exercise

Module 7: Water in Fat Out (Week 6)


  • Compute the total number of water needed in ounces per day in relation to body weight

  • Identify the many benefits of consuming the right amount of water

  • Describe how water is a purification system for the body

  • Discuss what happens to the body when the water intake is not enough


Module 8: FINAL EXAM (Week 8)

        Final Exam


Detailed Course Navigation / Outline

Basic Course Info

  • Content of Course

  • Course Itinerary

  • Scoring Procedures

  • College Guidelines
  • Student Services (Academic and Technical Support)
  • Prerequisite Knowledge and Technical Skills Required
  • How To Access Course Materials and Technologies

Meet Your Instructor

  • A Little About Me
  • Office Hours / Contact Info
  • Email Your Instructor
  • What can you expect from me this Semester? (Response Times and Grading / Feedback Timeframe)
  • What I expect from you? (See Also Course Itinerary)

Course Orientation

  • Purpose of the Course
  • Navigation Structure
  • How to Proceed Through the Course

Lessons & Materials

Module 1: Course Introduction (Week 1)

  • Orientation Quiz – Multiple Choice (Assessment – LINK TO TESTS)
  • Orientation Discussion Board (Introducing Classmates - Student Interaction)

    Prompt:  “What is your motivation for becoming healthier?” List at least 3 reasons in detail.

  • Video Lecture: Obesity, Healthy Weight, Risk Factors
  • Textbook Reading: Ch1. - Benefits of Healthy Diet
  • Self-Test

Module 2: Shop Smart, Save Money and Your Health (Week 2)  

  • Textbook Reading: Ch. 3 – Lower your Grocery Bill and Save your Health
  • Self-Test
  • Video Lecture: Outsmarting the Marketing Tactics
  • Nutritional Blog (Post #1) –

    Blog post should include a Summary of the Module Content, something that you find interesting, and a problem or concern; keeping on the topic of smart shopping

  •  (Original Post and 2 Replies, Participation Points)

Module 3: Food for Fuel (Week 3)

  • “Balance My Plate” Activity (PDF)
  • Nutritional Blog (Post #2)

    Blog post should include a Summary of the Module Content, something that you find interesting, and a problem or concern; keeping on the topic of the Balanced Plate

  •  (Original Post, and bonus points for each reply)
    • Students will interact and make suggestions on the postings of their peers to earn bonus points
  • Reflective Self-Assessment (Assessment – LINK TO TESTS)

Module 4: Cooking With a Purpose (Week 4)

  • Textbook Reading: Ch. 9 – Replacing the Bad Stuff
  • Self-Test
  • Lecture: Food Prep and Presentation
  • Begin PowerPoint and Prezi Assignment (Due in Module 5)

    (Will show student’s ability to be creative and modify foods)


  • PowerPoint and Prezi Due
  • Textbook Reading: Ch. 7- The Importance of Accountability
  • Self-Test
  • Lecture: Success Rates When You Have a Wellness Partner
  • Discussion Board – Discuss how to recruit an accountability partner, justify the need for one, organize a plan) – Original and 2 replies

    Prompt:  “Why do you feel that accountability is crucial to your success as a healthier you? Post a minimum of 2 paragraphs.

  •  (bonus points possible)
    • Students will interact and make suggestions on the postings of their peers to earn bonus points

Module 6: Get up and Get Moving (Week 7)

  • Create video and post to You Tube. Add link in DB:

    Video should cover the following topics:

  • shows ways to avoid injury during physical activity
  • Identify small changes that can be made to increase daily activity
  • Describe the benefits of exercise and physical exertion
  • Identify the benefits of exercise to their physical, mental, and social health
  • Create realistic fitness goals and apply to weekly schedule
  • Students will demonstrate and practice ways to avoid risk and injury during exercise


  • Discussion Board Post (Original and One Reply) (Interaction and Feedback between peers) - Participation Points.  Must watch the You Tube Video and respond to it within the Discussion Board

Module 7: Water in Fat Out (Week 6)

  • Textbook Reading: Ch. 4 - The Essentials of H2O
  • Self-Test
  • Lecture: Water, Water, and more Water
  • WIKI – (Follow Wiki Tab) – Various Links (Generates Collaboration between peers) Choose a Group Leader) Answer Questions, Follow Rubric

    Keeping on the topic of H2O and the importance of Water, students will collaborate to answer questions at the end of the chapter 4 reading.  Please see rubric


  • Reflective Self-Assessment

        Module 8: Development – Module 8: FINAL EXAM (Week 8)


        Blogs & Discussions

  • Discussion Boards (Please see rubric)
    • How To Post
    • Link to Discussions
    • Netiquette and Posting Standards
  • Blog Assignments (Please see rubric and quality example)
    • Dates to Post
    • Instructions and Participation Requirements
    • Link to Class Roster Blogs


  • Who Are My Partners?
  • Group Email
  • Group Chat
  • Group Q & A
  • Rubric
  • Wiki PAGE (this is the one to use for final submission)


Tests & Quizzes

  • Self-Tests
  • Reflective Self-Assessment
  • Practice –  Exam
  • Final Exam (Online – Open Book, Open Note)


  • Power Point and Prezi
    • Directions and Scoring Procedures
    • Quality Student Example
  • Basic Video Production
    • Directions and Scoring Procedures
    • How to Video Example
    • Student Sample Video
  • Group WIKI
    • Instructions and Rubric
    • Quality Student Example



                Blog Posting Rubric:


Praiseworthy (20 pts)

Satisfactory (15 pts)

Minimal Effort (2)

Weekly Summary:  contains pertinent information regarding weekly content learned.  At least 2 paragraphs.




Something student finds Interesting:  Well thought out topic that will deepen the thinking of their peers





Problem or Concern: The student poses an issue that they are having trouble with or addresses a topic that concerns them in relation to their assignment.  Asks for help or assistance from peers.




Spelling and Grammar

Points will not be added or taken away for spelling and grammar.  This should go without saying: please ALWAYS proofread your work!




Total Overall Score _____/60

Quality Example


                Discussion Board Rubric:


Praiseworthy (10pts)

Satisfactory (5 pts)

Minimal Effort (1)

Original Post was threaded on time.  (This allows ample time for responses from peers)




Student responded to exact prompt and stayed on topic.




Student posted at least 5 sentences.




Responded to 2 Classmates




Please proofread for spelling and grammar

No points -

Just make a habit of proofreading

No points -

Just make a habit of proofreading

No points -

Just make a habit of proofreading


Total Overall Score _____/40

© 2015 by Kristyn Birdsong. Proudly created with

last update: 21 April

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