​Mrs. Birdsong' Busy Bees
School Projects
and Classroom Events

3rd Grade Parade of Readers Program
This year our students have been working diligently to increase their language skills, reading vocabulary, and reading comprehension. The school set a goal for each student in the third grade to read at least 20 age appropriate books (judged by the difficulty, length, and vocabulary contained in the book) by the end of the first half of school. These busy little readers not only met the goal, but my classroom had a goal of 25 books per student, to exceed the schools baseline goal of least 20 books by the end of the first half of school. I am proud to say these hardworking students surpassed our personal goal with an average of 37 books per student!! I wanted to reward all of that hard work so each student received a gift certificate for a frozen treat. To award all the hard work of the entire classroom we celebrated in March with a pizza party and movie afternoon. So much excitement! I am so proud of these guys and girls!!

Parade of Readers
3rd Grade Parade of Readers Results
(Avg Books Read Per Student)
Mrs. Birdsong's Classroom
Ms. Hannigan's Classroom
Mrs. West's Classroom

Around the World...In 365 Days
Isn’t technology amazing!!?? Our recent focus is on exploring new and exciting cultures from around the world. This focus allowed the students to gain a great insight and understanding of various cultures and how they all can have different customs, beliefs, and places in our world. Students were able to exercise their creativity in drawing or creating their favorite recreation of our virtual tour from Africa to South Asia, Europe, Australia, the Indies, Canada, Mexico, and South America.
Cultural Exploration...
Culture is a critical element in our learning of history and our goal is to teach students how to respect other cultures. The United States is becoming a more diverse nation every day, and it's critical that our children understand about different cultures, not only because schools exhibit a variety of culture, but also because students will inevitably interact with people from various diverse cultures throughout their lives.

Mad about Science...
We are having a fun filled year working on all kinds of great science experiments. The focus areas were combustion, cellular growth, decompensation, and how Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration works. We learned about various rock and sediments and how volcanic eruptions occur. To increase the fun level in the science area we will have lots of fun filled labs and interactive experiments that keep the awesome level high in science.

Mrs. Birdsong's Buzzing Bees..
The Star Spangled Banner

This year we are focusing on our American History and all about the 50 states, the American Flag, and our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
1,2,3 Counting Bees...
We have some little Math Wizzards in the 3rd grade! Their spire test scores were amazing!!